2022 Bulk Package - Store Order
For a 2022 product catalog, please email sales@shedknives.com
Silver Package:
(5) Variety of rope handle knives
- stickers in each box
- 1 dealer sticker
Gold Package:
(10) Variety of rope handle knives
- stickers in each box
- (3) dealer stickers
Platinum Package:
(20) Variety of rope handle knives
- stickers in each box
- (5) dealer stickers
When placing your order, include the following:
1. Knife Model Year
2. Knife Model
3. Handle Material Color
A variety of 2022 knives, stickers, and sheaths are available with this package.
Contact Shed Knives with questions/comments on specific models, colors, types of knives, and sheathes at any of the contacts below:
- (302) 760-9270
- sales@shedknives.com
- Messenger app link on shedknives.com (blue link at the bottom right corner)